21.宗教的生育仪式:Jens Peter Schj?dt, “Ibn Fadlan’s Account of a Rus Funeral: To What Degree Does It Reflect Nordic Myths.” Reflections on Old Norse Myths, ed. Pernille Hermann et al. (2007): 133-148.
22.斯堪的纳维亚葬礼的风俗:Anne Stalsberg, “Scandinavian Viking-Age Boat Graves in Old Rus.” Russian History 28.1-4 (2001): 359-401.
23.“我希望你赐给我一个富商”:Ah3mad Ibn Fad3lān, Mission to the Volga, trans. James E. Montgomery, in Two Arabic Travel Books, ed. Philip F. Kennedy and Shawkat M. Toorawa (2014):165—266页,243—246页提及交易者的祈祷,246—247页提及死亡天使,250—251页提及与奴隶女孩发生性关系和她的死亡。